January 6, 2013

Spiritual Snapshot--Did you know Jesus loves you?

Today in church Miles was looking at pictures of Jesus.  I leaned down and whispered in his ear "Did you know Jesus loves you?"  Without hesitation and with a big smile he said "Yes."  I then asked "Did you know you will get to be with Him again one day?"  Again, without hesitation and in his sweet childlike voice said, "Yes."  Oh, the faith of a child!

It got me thinking...can I answer those questions with that much conviction and without hesitation.  DO I KNOW THAT JESUS LOVES ME?  Deep down I know this without a doubt.  There are times, however, when I have to think about that answer for a minute.  When life gets hard, or I feel very alone in my trials, there are times when I hesitate with that answer.  Do I know that Jesus loves me even though I am infertile and can't have anymore biological children?  Do I know that Jesus loves me when we are waiting/searching/hoping to grow our family through adoption?  YES, I DO!   I wouldn't be able to survive the tests and trials in my life without that knowledge.  I truly know that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and who gave his only begotten Son to suffer and die for my sins, my pains, my sorrows.  I have a Savior who knows everything that I am feeling.  He understands me perfectly.  Even when I don't understand all that I am going through, I know that if I just lean on my Savior He will help carry me.  He will "lead me, guide me, walk beside me, [and] help me find the way."  He will "teach me all that I must do to live with [Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ] someday." (I am a Child of God, Primary Children's Songbook, p. 2--http://www.lds.org/music/library/childrens-songbook/i-am-a-child-of-god?lang=eng)
So yes, even though I may not always say it with conviction, I will ALWAYS say it.  I know Jesus loves me.

DO I KNOW THAT I WILL GET TO BE WITH HIM AGAIN ONE DAY?  This isn't something that I think of often.  It seems too far away to think about.  Daily life tends to make me forget this fact.  But it's TRUE!!  One day I will get to be with my Savior again.  I will be able to bow down before him and bathe His feet with my tears.  I KNOW I WILL!  I want to live my life in such a way that will prompt Him to say when we do meet "Well done, though good and faithful servant..." (St. Matthew 25:21)  I honestly can't wait for the day when I can see Him face to face.  What a glorious day that will be!  Do I want it to happen any time soon?  No!!!  I still have so much I need to work on to become better.  I still have so much to learn about giving my burdens to Him and trusting Him.  I'm not ready; but this year I am going to strive to be more ready...to better myself spiritually and live my life in such a way that others will be able to see Christ through me.